根据德克萨斯州参议院第11号法案, 21岁及以上的个人持有德州认可的隐藏式手枪许可证,可以在校园里的某些区域携带隐藏式手枪.



Concealed carry involves carrying a firearm in a manner that keeps it hidden from view, 通常是在衣服下面. Open carry refers to the practice of openly carrying a firearm in public, 其他人能看到武器的地方.

Open carry of handguns is not allowed at 德克萨斯南方大学. 众议院第910号法案允许在德克萨斯州持有隐蔽手枪执照的人公开携带枪支, it specifically prohibits it on higher education campuses.


禁止枪械进入的事件 & 区

A committee led by the 总法律顾问办公室 and TSU 公共安全, and also comprised of 德克萨斯南方大学 faculty, 工作人员, 学生们收集了公众意见,并制定了校园的哪些区域将被指定为无枪区.


  • 所有宿舍
  • 认真的年代. 斯特林生活学生中心
  • E.O. 钟楼(地下室)
  • 学生健康中心
  • 大学心理咨询中心
  • 航空科学大楼
  • W.R. 班克斯儿童发展实验室
  • 艾丽·米切尔中心
  • 中央工厂,125室和126室
  • 科学楼,二楼,三楼,四楼
  • Gray Hall Pharmacy Building, rooms 120, 253A, 256, 229, 214, 216, 222, and 207
  • 伦纳德H.O. 斯皮尔曼科技大楼,138室和235室
  • Samuel Nabrit Science Building, second and third floors


  • 官方体育项目
  • Official University Interscholastic League (UIL) 事件
  • 任何在学校举行的政府会议
  • Official University Student/Employee Disciplinary/Grievance Hearings

TSU’s policy contains fluid zones that will change based on events that may be scheduled. 除了, TSU designated 工作人员 and faculty offices as discretionary zones, which means an officeholder may elect to have his or her office marked as a gun-free zone.

Contact the 公共安全部 to request gun-free zones at 713.313.7001.


The campus carry law that was signed by Governor Abbott on June 13, 从2015年8月1日起,持有国家规定的隐蔽手枪许可证(CHL)的人可以在校园的某些区域携带隐蔽手枪, 2016 so long as the area has not been designated by the University as a weapons free area. 申请人必须年满21岁, 在德克萨斯州接受培训并满足其他法定要求以获得CHL.

S.B. 11 .在与学生协商后, 工作人员 and faculty regarding “the nature of the student population, 具体的安全考虑和校园环境的独特性,大学可以制定合理的规章制度,关于:

  • carrying of concealed handguns by license holders on campus; and storage of handguns in dormitories or other residential facilities The law stipulates, 然而, 这些规章制度既不能“普遍禁止”也不能“具有普遍禁止”持枪者在校园里携带隐蔽手枪的效果.

持有德克萨斯州认可的隐蔽武器许可证的个人有资格在校园里携带隐蔽手枪. 许可证持有人必须年满21岁,并且必须明确与犯罪背景相关的资格要求, 精神健康史, 以及药物滥用问题.

被单独分配到私人办公室的教职员工被允许禁止在该办公室隐藏携带手枪. If faculty or 工作人员 members choose to exercise this discretion, 他们必须提供口头通知,禁止在办公室内隐蔽携带手枪. Oral notice is sufficient notice under the Texas Penal Code, Section 30.06.

然而, if a faculty or 工作人员 member would like to post a sign, he or she must obtain authorization from the Dean or Department Head, confirming that the sign meets the specification required by Section 30.德州刑法典第06条的规定. 院长或系主任必须书面确认该标志包含以下内容:“根据第30条.06, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with a concealed handgun), 根据H分章获得许可的人, 第411章, 政府守则(手枪牌照法), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun”; and

(i) includes the language described [above] in both English and Spanish; (ii) appears in contrasting colors with block letters at least one inch in height; and (iii) is displayed in a conspicuous manner clearly visible to the public.


The TSU 公共安全部 (DPS) will place the order for authorized signage. If your department would like to order signage, please contact DPS. 德州南方大学的每个系/学院必须单独承担购买办公室标牌的费用.

法律没有明确规定武器需要放在哪里才能被认为是“隐藏的”.” The weapon cannot be in plain view or discernible by ordinary observation. 进一步, 该武器必须携带在许可证持有人身上或在其附近(以便于容易获得)。. 这包括背包、钱包、腰带和肩套、腰包、公文包和包.

如果你的部门有一个特殊的活动,而你试图禁止在这个活动中携带隐藏的手枪, 请联络特别活动总监, Shannon Broussard, 713-313-7759. Shannon将与DPS一起启动流程,以获得在活动期间禁止校园携带的授权,并获得标识.


如果你在校园里看到手枪, 请致电713-313-7000与托州立大学警察局联系,或立即通过LiveSafe应用程序报告.

是的. When a police officer stops you to ask for your concealed handgun license, you are temporarily detained until you can produce it. 在成功地这样做之后, 除非警察有其他理由阻止你,否则这次遭遇就会变成偶然的遭遇.

Signage meeting the standards specified in Section 30.德州刑法典第06条将用于指定禁止持枪者隐蔽携带手枪的区域.

Even in a vehicle, a legally possessed handgun must be reasonably concealed (e.g., in the glove compartment, under a seat, in a case etc.).

是的 you can, but only in the areas that are open to the public. 所以如果那个人要去一个普通市民不被允许进入的地方, 他们不允许携带手枪. If you are in this position where you are not sure if you can carry or not, it is recommended that you leave your handgun in your vehicle.

Currently there is no standard that constitutes what is a shoulder or belt holster.

再一次,这是情境性的. 如果你的孩子看到有人在杂货店购物, they should not be alarmed if that person is carrying a handgun. 但是如果他们在学校, and they see a person (who is not a Police officer) carrying a gun, they should immediately TSU Police Department at 713-313-7000 and/or call 911.

以上所述的任何犯罪报告都包含在TSU年度安全报告中,并向美国政府披露.S. 教育部. 在必要时,托大也必须及时发布警告和紧急通知,以保护校园社区.

我们也鼓励你报告可疑活动. 可疑活动是指那些与特定上下文或环境不相称或不正常的活动, 可能对公共安全构成威胁. 这可以包括, 但不限于, 不寻常的物品或情况, 获取信息, 测试或探测安全性, 和可疑的人.


1935年德克萨斯州众议院法案规定,允许个人携带刀刃长度为5的刀具.5 inches or less on the campuses of higher education institutions in Texas. 叶片长度是用从刀柄最前端到叶片尖端的直线来测量的.


刀片大于5的刀具.5 inches, including swords and spears, are not allowed at 德克萨斯南方大学, any grounds or building in which an activity sponsored by TSU is being conducted, 或交通运输单位的客运车辆.
